Here I write about how we are raising our 5 children; the antics and insights associated with caring for Jasper, 9 who redefines what it means to have Cerebral Palsy, Jonah 8 who is a wiz kid scientist sports fan, Juniper 6, who is self proclaimed half monkey, the other half is somewhere between ballerina/princess and tomboy, Jillian 2 who is as impish as they come, and Jianna 6mo, who daily has a loud hearty laugh about the circus she watches here at Chez Gonzales.
Monday, March 10, 2008
losing steam...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Flu-Bug strikes!
Jasper is still whining in his bed, no now he is crying. Oh boy!
I wish I had a magic wand to take all the pain away. Abra Cadabra!
This is when I want my Mommy!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Little naturalists
Little Slugger!
When pushing is fun!
It don't mean a thing, if you ain't got that swing!
Children seem to thrive out in nature. I love that at Jonah's preschool they go outside rain or shine, and they utilise the natural environment for play. Something as simple as a puddle is like a day at the carnival for a two year old. Jonah had fun today running around with the girls at school, and getting muddy.
When we got home from our walk last night Jonah and I made a fruit salad (yummy yummy), he helped cut the bananas and the strawberries. He was so happy to offer his fruit salad to Daddy and Oly when she arrived. (Jon gets to play basketball on monday and thursday nights, so he is always happy on those days. Big boys need their exercise too! )
The latest cool thing that the boys love is when Jon brings home a new football helmet. The little toy helmets come from a machine at the supermarket, and we have about 13 different ones now. Amazing how Jonah can name them all. Kids his age have so much memory space, I feel like mine is almost all used up!
The baby is moving a lot and doing well, growing happily. This morning Jasper held very still with his hand on my belly to feel the baby move, he got a big smile when she bumped!
We are looking forward to spring, swim lessons, more outside time, and visits from family.
Date night tonight- woo-hoo!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Trains, Planes, and Big Wheels
Jonah with his new trains on Christmas morning
Yesterday we went to the birthday party of our little friend Benjamin, albeit an hour late we did make it. (I am currently battling my back pain which seems to pop up in the most inconvenient times, and the only solution I have found that works is to rest- ha ha!)
So the party was at a toystore, and of course they had Thomas trains, Jonah was having fun at the train table, and I made the mistake of pointing out Emily- a girl train who Jonah loves (also our caregiver who he loves too.) Well this train is in the $20 bracket because it comes with a tender car, very cool. I would never have bought it for him, but in my weakened state, and not wanting to have a big ordeal about getting out of the store, it was our comprimise. He was so excited for Emily to come home with us, and join his other trains, he immediately went to the tracks when we got home and started playing. The highlight of the week perhaps.
Then when Jon came home from work we all went to the park, and Emily came too. When we all got back home it was discovered that, alas, Emily the train did not make it back with us. So two tired parents took turns scouring the park with a flashlight- to no avail. So sad, too bad.
A couple of lessons were learned here. First don't buy a two year old a twenty dollar toy that is small enough to lose. Second, don't take your special toys to the park. And third, make sure you keep track of your stuff when you take it out of the house. Oh well, I guess we will survive.
I did have a vivid dream however that I found the trains at the park, under a bucket in the sandbox and we were all so happy, I guess I was more affected by it than he was.
Is this pregnancy hormones or what?
Me with my mom (Patricia), Aunt Barbara, and sister Kim
at Christmas brunch-made entirely by Jon (the Daddy)
This week marked the arrival of Nana (my mom) and one of the boy's favorite people. She is back from her adventures in Bali, and we are happy she is home and safe. And we also said goodbye to Aunt Kimmie, my sis, who moved back to la la land after only two months in cold (and boring?) Sonoma County. Goodbye Kim, we'll miss you. Welcome home Nana.Jonah talked a lot about Nana coming home on an airplane and I think he really missed her.
We decided to forgo gymnastics after all, and enjoy the beautiful weather and cost efficiency of the park. (Plus we had to look for Emily again.) I guess gymnastics was more of something I was excited about than Jonah, so we will wait a while and give it another try later.
Jasper is having fun at school, getting lots of attention from the little girls there. His sleep is still an issue with us. It's a little like a guessing game between Jon and me. If he sleeps well we say - "well he got a bath today", or "he didn't get the nose spray", or "he got two feedings before bed". If he sleeps terribly, then we say, "maybe he needed the nose spray", "maybe he didn't get enough food", "maybe the new supplement is not working". Maybe it's because I didn't wear my lucky red socks today. It's all so arbitrary and nothing seems to be consistent with a good night's sleep. We will consult the ruins, the tarot, the tea leaves and the horoscopes and see what we come up with.
(wink wink)
Now that the weather is nicer we are going to start taking some bike rides as a family (well we might have to figure something out for Jasper). I am thinking of getting one of those little bike trailers that goes behind the bike for the kids to sit in. I hope Jasper will tolerate something like that because then he could come along. Jonah wants to ride his big bike, but his little legs are still too short to reach the pedals, so he has adapted and likes to stand on the seat and ride it like a scooter. It's pretty cute, and he can get going fast! Let's hope that spring is here to stay, and warms us all up. We need some sunshine!!
Happy Sunny Day!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Too tired to type
Monday, February 25, 2008
Our extended family
I was just thinking about how precious this time is, when the kids are small and life is relatively simple. The cute things they say that I hope to remember are quickly lost to me when life continues and new things come up. For instance, Jonah one time told me that he had bees in his nose....and he calls scabs catipillars, I have no idea why. Yesterday when I picked him up from his nap he said to me, "mommy, I farted!" and then he said "change my diaper" well that's a first! I love being able to ask him questions and have him respond, usually, with an understandable answer. These days,per my request, he has been saying "No Thank You" instead of just yelling "NO!" I'm so glad that he is able to have a way to express himself without the constant and standard two year old answer to every question. Usually if the answer is yes, he will say " yeah!" The no is so automatic. We hear it with Jasper too, all the time, he says "uh-uh" and we are thinking, could he really be saying no that much? Well if he takes his cues from little brother it should be no surprise.
I want to help cultivate kindness in Jonah, and Jasper, to have good manners, use kind words, and to be helpful and grateful. Jonah is such a great helper, the other day I was just saying to Jon that I really needed some water, and JoJo said "my get it!" he ran into the kitchen, pushed his stool to the table, and came back with my water bottle, all without being asked! I loved that.
He is also so proud of himself when he gets to do little jobs around the house, he has this little strut and arm-swing once he feel that he has completed something useful, like getting me a napkin while I'm feeding Jasper, or does some sweeping or cleaning up. It's very cute.
I have to be more creative with things like putting away toys or puzzles, the other day I was helping him clean up a number train puzzle and with each number there are things on the train, and he was saying "my love butterflies... my love soccerballs..... my love love doggies....." and on and on with such enthusiasm.
It is so fun to see how the kids interact. Jonah was playing with some friends the other day (Samantha and D.J.) and Sam is a little older and very verbal, she was telling him things that I would say, and he would listen to her so well, and answer her back. It is great to see them having their little conversations without parental intervention. Samantha is also one of those amazing kids who really connects with Jasper. She wants to help with the tube feedings, and the other day when we went to visit she said "it's Jasper, my buddy!" He just loves getting attention from other kids, especially when they seem to understand him and, like Sam, get into his world and gently touch him, or talk to him closely. The smile and laugh that he lets out is enough evidence that he feels such a profound connection from moments like these. It's amazing to me how a two and a half year old can tap into what many adults are so uncomfortable with. Lucky for us we have a wonderful group of moms and kids who are all loving and accepting of Jasper to a degree that his disability is not really an issue, he is just Jasper, and that's how it should be.
Another example of this loving connection is our niece and the boys cousin, Sydney. Last time we visited her she was also very interested in doing the tube feeding. Jon would put a piece of tape on Jasper's clothes so she could have a place to put the syringe. She cozied up to Jasper several times to play and snuggle with him, and gently cupped his face to say hello or give him kisses. It was very sweet.
Jonah is very sweet with his brother too, and has recently been doing little exercises with his hands and feet. He will grab on to Jasper and pull on his hand or feet and say "up, and down" like we do. They are so funny to watch when they do play together and don't know I'm watching. The other day we were outside and Jonah was pushing Jasper on the swing and they were both cracking up. I was watching from the porch and thinking that here was another moment I never want to forget.
We are so grateful to have so many people in our lives, family and friends, who have supported Jasper (and all of us) with their love, time, and donations for treatments. It is because of all of these people that we have been able to give Jasper such opportunities and certainly there are more adventures to come as he grows and gets older.
Here are some pictures of our extended family, and some of the boys' favorite people!
Jasper with Emily (above) and Oly (below), our fabulous caregivers!
These are just a few, more to come. We have so many people to thank that I can't begin here, but I do see what they mean when they say it takes a village to raise a child. So how many people does it take to raise three?? We shall see!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Patience is a virtue, Silence is golden