So, it seems that my initial enthusiasm for "blogging" has started to wear off, and I have lately preferred taking a rest or catching up on my housework to typing on the computer. Considering that half of our keyboard here was picked off by the little computer bandit, it's amazing that I can type at all. (blame any typos on this)
Sometimes when I'm having a hard day it is difficult to think of anything interesting to write here, and I certainly don't want to write about how annoyed and frustrated I am, although I suppose it may help to put it all in perspective.
Sometimes I feel that if we don't stay on top of Jonah's behavior and start to get a little lax, he immediately starts to push the boundaries. He is testing us and looking for his boundaries all the time. Tonight he was crawling on the table and looking at me, enjoying my reaction (which I tried to keep neutral) I told him that he could sit down and eat or get down and go into his room. So he sat, for a while, and then tried it again. It is more and more apparent to me the importance of consistency with rules and routines. If I let him crawl across the table one time, then the next time I try to tell him not to do it will be twice as big of a battle.
A big issue these days is teeth brushing. Jasper does great, he lets me brush with a relaxed open mouth, it wasn't always like this. I see with Jasper that if you try to force something he reacts just as strongly in opposition. I suppose this is the case also with Jonah, because he was allowing me to brush his teeth for a while (I would count to ten) but now he screams and squirms and I basically have to restrain him in order to get his teeth clean. He wants to do it himself, but of course doesn't do a very good job, and honestly his teeth are not looking so great. I don't want him to get cavities, and he drinks a lot of juice! Yikes! I told Jon we have to go back to wiping his teeth with a cloth after meals when he gets his face wiped, but he may fight that too now.
I know that it is an important part of development to assert ones independence, but sometimes it is bordering on hysteria. Now Jonah won't wear jeans or anything buy "comfy pants", so ok, he wears sweats everyday, you have to pick your battles. But the teeth brushing is a non-negotiable issue. It is getting to the point that I dread bedtime because I know we have to listen to him scream and cry for a few minutes while I force him to get his teeth brushed. Not really a mellow part of the pre-bedtime ritual.
Jasper is doing great, he is being a very sweet big brother and usually stays calm when Jonah has his tantrums. We are getting back on the plan of helping Jonah go to his room to express his loud emotions by himself until he is ready to use his nice voice. The more we stay consistent with this plan and do it as soon as he starts, the better it works. He really is a sweet boy, loving and nurturing to his friends and family, he just gets possessed by the toddler demon sometimes and turns into a whining, clingy, wild thing! Anyway, back to Jasper, who doesn't seem to get as much press these days, because 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease'...
He is such a happy little guy, he loves his feldenkrais lessons, and his swim time, and he still seems to love his time at preschool. There are still some things that need to be worked out there in order to be sure that his time at school doesn't interfere with the work he is doing with Patricia Flora (our feldenkrais practitioner and learning specalist). We aree seeing his development continue slowly as his hips start to open up and he is getting a better sense of his lower back and head. It often seems like with both boys we take one step forward and two steps back, but we are slowly progressing.
This fetus growing in my belly is quite active and making her presence known. She is bumping all around all day and night, and I can't help but think, "it's three in the morning and she's awake, will she be awake after birth at this time?" She is nice and quiet for now, but I realize that it's going to make this busy family really full when she joins us in person. Jonah got to feel some really good kicks the other day, and the look on his face was priceless. It's like he really understands that there is a baby in there and she will come out and say "hi". Tonight he said "I want to feel the baby," and he put his hands on my belly (which is getting pretty big now). It was very cute, and he talked to her too. So sweet. I want Jonah and Jasper to feel really happy and excited about this positive addition to our family. I feel that we are so blessed to have these beautiful boys, and that another little miracle of life is just icing on the cake. I almost can't believe that we will have three kids (under the age of four) in June! Luckily we have lots of love to give and so do our boys and our families, so I'm pretty confident that this little being will have a happy, fulfilled, and successful life. So far the only people who have felt the baby kick besides Jonah are Oly and Sidra, so they are deemed honorary aunties!
I have so much to do to get organized before the baby comes. It still seems pretty far off, but I know that as it gets closer (and the baby gets bigger) I will be less able to do any major cleaning or organizing. So I'm going to try to get at least one big thing done per week, and slowly start scratching things off my list (as well as adding to the list as the weeks go by).
We are going to have to figure out sleeping situations, beds for the boys and who is going to get up with whom. I was hoping to have Jonah potty trained and sleeping in a toddler bed before the baby comes (ha!). Now those don't seem like realisic goals anymore, with only three months to go. We are planning to get a bigger bed for Jasper, and move his little bed into Jonah's room, and then give baby the crib. I don't know how this plan will actually play out, but I will try to document it, especially if all goes well :)
Well if this all sounds a bit like a to do list, it probably is, and I should get to bed and get some sleep (before the first wake up). Night night!
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