Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Flu-Bug strikes!

Jonah's first time with the flu.

JoJo woke up this morning and was not interested in eating anything. Then he started gagging and choking and throwing up what little he had in his tummy. I knew something was up when he woke up at 2:30am and was wide awake asking for books. He eventually fell back asleep, but was obviously out of sorts. I have never seen this boy so sick, he is usually pretty healthy, and even when he gets a cold he tends to be cheerful and himself most of the time. Today little JoJo has not left the couch, he is feeling a little better now, watching Pooh and drinking sips of pedialyte. He actually fell asleep on the couch, which he has never done since he was an infant.

I am hoping that Jasper is able to fall asleep and nap until Jon gets home, because Jonah has had bouts of being very needy of me. He wants to be held and petted and just sit with me quietly. Poor guy is so hot with fever, and obviously nauseated. If Jasper gets sick like this it will be doubly difficult, because he has less self-soothing ability, and can't tell us what is wrong. Although at this point the only thing Jonah really says is "No Thank You!" about everything.

I think about the future and what it will be like with three little ones. How to soothe everyone if they are all sick at the same time... or if I'm sick too!? It is scary, but I guess no one ever said that parenting was easy. There are definite pros and cons to being the one who another human relies on to comfort them. It feels good if you are able to make a difference, but it is excruciating when you can't make it better.

We are just going to take it easy today and hope that this flu passes, and doesn't pass along to anyone else. I'm going to go take Jonah's temp again and give him more pedialyte.

Jasper is still whining in his bed, no now he is crying. Oh boy!
I wish I had a magic wand to take all the pain away. Abra Cadabra!
This is when I want my Mommy!!

Here she is reading the boys a bedtime story...

1 comment:

griffin said...

Awwww. I hope he gets well soon and doesn't pass it along to the rest of the family. The only time my boys have had the flu, we all had it within a 24 period. Is that his hand in his pants?? Must be his way of "self soothing"?