Friday, February 29, 2008

Little naturalists

Little Slugger!

When pushing is fun!

It don't mean a thing, if you ain't got that swing!

We had such a nice evening last night. We all ate a healthy dinner together at dinner time (imagine that!) and then went for a walk on the bike path. It is so nice to live close to a place where we can all walk and not have to worry about cars and exhaust. Jonah is having fun learning about tree identification. He knows the redwood, oak, eucalyptus, willow, pine and blackberry bush. We collected a leaf from each, and a pine cone. We also found three different types of blossoms and put them in water, along with one beautiful daffodil. Jonah likes to tell me now that the blossoms will be fruit and we will eat it! It is fun to see how much Jonah will remember from day to day. He likes to go "crashing through the trees" because we went off the trail to take a shortcut home. Jasper also enjoyed feeling the trees and holding the pinecone, he loves to smell different things and listen to the sounds that we hear in nature.

Turn sideways to view our cache

Children seem to thrive out in nature. I love that at Jonah's preschool they go outside rain or shine, and they utilise the natural environment for play. Something as simple as a puddle is like a day at the carnival for a two year old. Jonah had fun today running around with the girls at school, and getting muddy.

When we got home from our walk last night Jonah and I made a fruit salad (yummy yummy), he helped cut the bananas and the strawberries. He was so happy to offer his fruit salad to Daddy and Oly when she arrived. (Jon gets to play basketball on monday and thursday nights, so he is always happy on those days. Big boys need their exercise too! )

The latest cool thing that the boys love is when Jon brings home a new football helmet. The little toy helmets come from a machine at the supermarket, and we have about 13 different ones now. Amazing how Jonah can name them all. Kids his age have so much memory space, I feel like mine is almost all used up!

The baby is moving a lot and doing well, growing happily. This morning Jasper held very still with his hand on my belly to feel the baby move, he got a big smile when she bumped!

We are looking forward to spring, swim lessons, more outside time, and visits from family.
Date night tonight- woo-hoo!!

Things are good at the G-house!

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