Monday, December 17, 2012

Digging a hole in the sand...

What does a stay at home mom do all day?? We pick up poop, wipe up food, scrape off mud and get paid in hugs!
Some days I look around and I see a mess, there are crunchy things on the floor of the dining area, there is some new coloring on some fabric or some wood furniture with permanent pen. There are sticky spots on the hardwood floor, and greasy fingerprints all over the french doors. There is mud on the hallway carpet in the shape of rainboots, and clothes of various types everywhere, tossed off from being too wet, or muddy or itchy or the wrong color or just because it is now time to be a princess. But when I step away from my role as unpaid maid and housemanager slash nanny slash gardener slash... you get the idea, when I step away from all that and see the remains, the signs of life from four very active and usually happy young children, all the sticky handprints become something more valuable than gold, the muddy rainboots better than any stocks I could own and the couch that has I heart you written in green pen more comfy than any brand new white leather couch... ok who am I kidding I want that couch. Anyway! the point is that the mess is the by-product of love and I wouldn't change that for the world!
Now I better get going and pick up Juniper from her pre-school and then come home and get to cooking and cleaning because those are just a couple of my many many jobs!

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