And then they were six! There is a delightful little soft and sweet baby sleeping in my bed right now! She is almost 4 months old already and we have had quite a ride in this crazy life so far.
The day after Jon went back to work when Jillian was three weeks old I discovered we had LICE! So gross is this idea to me that I can barely believe it happened and I didn't totally lose it.
First I found bugs in Junipers hair while snuggling in bed and combing out her rat's nest. There were LIVE bugs in her hair. I pretty much freaked out and went directly to CVS and bought the harshest chemical rinse to supposedly kill the lice and their eggs.... big mistake. Not only did the stuff not kill the lice AT ALL but I became extremely allergic to an ingredient in the wash and developed horrible eczema all over my face! It was so awful! We washed and cleaned and treated hair (now with several different natural remedies) and only had to do it all THREE times!! That's right, not once not twice, but thrice lice!!
The moral of the story here is don't panic, think it out and harsher is not always more effective for killing beasts big or small.
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