Here we are already in 2014! Wow how fast the time goes! Now we are a family of 7 people and it is getting more interesting all the time!
Jillian is so cute, she will be two in a couple of months and I can hardly believe that is true. She is still my baby! I am amazed lately at her expanding vocabulary and her easy social nature. Yesterday we all went to the Farmer's Market (Jasper stayed home with Irene who was here on Sunday). Jillian found the sidewalk chalk and was engrossed in the pictures she and others were making in the square. She was so focused on her work but at the same time was doing it together with the others (mostly adults). She offered different colors to her new friends and traded and moved around, sometimes lying belly down on the pavement with her nose inches away from the chalk drawing. When her favorite comrades in chalk left she recruited new members (young scruffy single males and older grey-haired gentlemen seemed to be her main targets).
Other excitements at the Farmer's Market included:
For a few minutes all of the big kids were missing. One minute they were playing tag, climbing trees and running around like banshees, then by and by I hear they are missing, no where to be found. Two dads were searching the perimeter and one dad is telling me it's not like his son to just run off without telling him.... I said that's not like mine either. I last saw Juniper near her favorite climbing tree, I knew they were here somewhere so I walked toward the tree and saw the hunched backs of a few familiar jackets under a table with rocks and gems on it and a long draping table cloth, I believe they were all looking at one kids ipod and had no idea the parents were looking for them.
In other news, Jillian decided it was a good time to try her independence at crossing the busy street by herself. She saw a family with a stroller crossing at the crosswalk and was following along with them. From across the way I saw where she was headed (Daddy was on duty at the time and had just turned away for a few seconds) I yelled her name and then his name and he ran over and scooped her up just as she made it to the curb! It was a little excitement for everyone watching. Jon said "she was already making eye contact with the drivers..." well, I hope that's the last time we have that happen!!
As I sit here now Jillian is insisting on going in the hot tub so she is naked, which makes for a great impromptu potty training session. I'm not sure she understands that it's gross to put the potty seat upside down on her head like a hat. She is ready to potty-train but I'm not sure I'm ready. I'm also wearing my sleeping/nursing baby in the sling so I'm reminding the screaming toddler about inside voices which she mostly disregards but does think is funny. The hard part about potty-training is the time before they are able to realize they are taking a crap on the carpet. They look down and they're like oh! there's some poop! I think i will squish it between my toes or maybe spread some under the table for fun... hopefully the dealing with massive amounts of excrement stage of my life will lessen as time goes on!
So....While I was writing that guess what Jillian did... ta-da!! she pooped in the little potty! I was typing away and I hear her say, "uh oh" which is what we all say when she poops in the bath, shower, on the floor or anywhere but the diaper. I jumped and clapped and said yes yes! that's the place to do it, not uh-oh, high five!! Good work Jillian, now put your diaper back on!!
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